'Minari' stars, director invited to join the academy

앙현주 2021. 7. 2. 10:25
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"Minari" director Lee Issac Chung and actors Youn Yuh-jung, Steven Yeun and Han Ye-ri have been invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organization that hosts the Oscars, according to the Associated Press and others ..
From left, Director Lee Isaac Chung and actors Youn Yuh-jung, Han Ye-ri and Steven Yeun with child actors Alan Kim and Noel Kate Cho [PAN CINEMA]

“Minari” director Lee Issac Chung and actors Youn Yuh-jung, Steven Yeun and Han Ye-ri have been invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organization that hosts the Oscars, according to the Associated Press and others on Thursday.

On Thursday, the academy announced a list of 395 actors and executives invited to join as new members. Lee, Youn, Yeun and Han were all on the list.

If they accept the invitation, they will be able to vote in the Academy Awards as official members of the academy.

Last year, the academy invited cast and crew members from Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning “Parasite” (2019). Director Bong and the film’s lead actor Song Kang-ho have been members since 2015.

The academy has 9,362 members as of now. For the past five years, it has been expanding its number of members to promote diversity in the organization.

BY HALEY YANG [yang.hyunjoo@joongang.co.kr]

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